Sometimes parents will base their decision to homeschool on the racial composition of the local school. If the school is small and majority white, then some feel there is no need to pull their children from the government school.
However, there is something you need to take into consideration and that is the teachers and the textbooks.
Your children may not attend school in an integrated setting, but they are still learning from the same books and receiving the same garbage in the lectures.
In fact, sometimes this type of school is even more dangerous. Because they have only been exposed to the cool non-whites portrayed on television and in movies, they are unaccustomed to the hatred most non-whites have for whites.
In school they will learn about all of the so-called accomplishments and inventions of the other races. They will be taught how terrible, evil, and oppressive white people are. They will still have to write reports about Martin Luther King Jr. They will still learn lies about Rosa Parks. They will still be taught that white nationalism is basically a mental disorder that is only suitable for society’s rejects. They will be taught lies upon lies about the Christian faith, the founding of America, the wonderful attributes of homosexuals and lesbians and so on.
Below is an excerpt of a letter from the president of the NEA in 2008 (Remember, that the NEA – national education association has tremendous influence on teachers and schools. It is the largest and most influential teachers’ union anywhere)
“Dear Representative:
On behalf of the National Education Association’s (NEA) 3.2 million members, I convey our support for H.R. 1246, the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, introduced by Representative Martin Meehan with 141 cosponsors. It would replace the current “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces with a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
This bill, an important step in addressing basic civil rights that reflects NEA’s long-standing commitment to eliminating discrimination of all kinds, fulfills America’s promise to judge people by their abilities and accomplishments, not characteristics such as skin color or sexual orientation. It is deplorable that prejudice and harassment continue to plague the many homosexual service members who serve our nation with great dignity and skill.”
And from the NEA Website and PDF File GLBT Guide (GLBT stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender)
A School Employee’s Guide to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues,2nd Edition
“The National Education Association has a long history of fighting for the equality of all individuals. Discrimination and stereotyping based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, disability, ethnicity, immigration status, occupation, and religion are repugnant to us.”
“NEA stands committed to addressing the needs of and challenges faced by both GLBT students and our GLBTmembers and colleagues. And we will continue to work to secure GLBT rights as part of our larger effort to secure human and civil rights for all in and outside of the classroom.”
More Trash from the NEA Website and Manuals for Teachers:
Is it appropriate to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom?
GLBT issues are best taught in ways that are age appropriate and appropriate to the situation. Examples include age-appropriate lessons on family diversity, science and health, current events, and civil rights. Additionally, slurs that reference sexual orientation and gender identity should be addressed, just as all slurs should be addressed, and this involves talking about them sensitively and informatively. Unfortunately, some children learn to use slurs against GLBT people from multiple sources, including television. They have already been introduced to sexual orientation through misinformation. Remember that talking about bias regarding sexual orientation and gender identity is not the same as talking about sex. It is not appropriate to discuss same sex sexual activity with young children, but it is appropriate to discuss bias, sexual orientation, gender identity, and diverse communities, and these can be discussed in age appropriate ways without broaching topics related to sex or reproduction.
Can I tell if someone is gay or lesbian?
The only way to know is if they tell you so. Being gay or lesbian does not necessarily mean that a person does not conform to gender stereotypes. Sexual orientation is not the same as gender expression or even sexual behavior. So, even if you think a person may be gay, he or she may not identify as such (the person might be bisexual, questioning, or straight). Therefore, it’s best not to assume.
How young can students be when they “come out” as GLBT? How old?
There is no right or wrong age for students to come out. Some “come out” in early elementary school, while others come out in college and even much later into adulthood.
Is it possible that it’s a “phase?”
Parents often ask this about their children. Some people first think they are straight before realizing that they are gay or bisexual. Other people first enter same sex relationships and then find themselves in heterosexual relationships in the future. Still other people identify as GLBT at a young age and continue to do so as adults. The important thing is to accept people as they are.
About Teachers Coming Out to their Students
several recent “academic freedom” cases suggest that, when speaking in the classroom, teachers are not speaking as private individuals, but as representatives of the school district and, thus, have virtually no free speech rights. On the other hand, if a GLBT teacher is tenured or has “just cause” protection under a collective bargaining agreement, then a strong argument can be made that the act of disclosing his/her sexual orientation does not constitute just cause for discharge or discipline. In addition, one federal court has ruled that if heterosexual teachers routinely discuss their home life and spouses in class without punishment, it is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause for the school administration to discipline gay, lesbian, or bisexual teachers for sharing similar information with their students.
Curriculum and Library Resources The NEA Does Not Want Parents to Have an Opt Out Right for Certain Classes
The issue of GLBT content in school curricula or libraries has caused controversy and, in some cases, parental desire to opt their children out of particular courses. Schools have a great deal of discretion to control curricular content, and the courts generally have upheld schools’ refusal to allow parents to excuse their children from classes they find objectionable, including mandatory diversity training. Some states, however, have enacted statutes granting parents the right to have their children opt out of certain delineated topics, including sex education
Improving Classroom Instruction The NEA Tells Teachers to Include Gay Topics in Class
Inclusion of GLBT-related topics and themes in classroom instruction is an important step in fostering a safe environment for GLBT and gender nonconforming students. One study found that GLBT students’ feeling of safety increased when there was explicit mention of GLBT issues in the curriculum. Inclusion of GLBT-related curricula also helps heterosexual youth to better understand and develop healthy attitudes toward themselves and their fellow students.
Formal or official lessons include lessons and materials explicitly about GLBT issues and may include student activities, books and other media, guest speakers, and collaborative homework assignments between parents and students.
Informal lessons consist of all the unintended or indirect ways that a student may learn messages or values at school. This includes a teacher’s behavior, statements and interaction with students, and a school’s policies, practices, and culture, as well as what is missing or goes undressed in school. (For example:
A School Employee’s Guide to GLBT Issues, 2nd Ed. NEA Tells Teachers How to Sneak Gay issues into the Classroom
A school’s decision to observe one religious holiday and not another or to stop one form of harassment but not another.) Some scholars believe that students learn more from informal lessons than formal ones. Here are some tips on how to address the informal lessons learned in your classroom or school: Display posters, pins, or rules that explicitly create a safe space for GLBT people. Point out these items in the beginning of the year. Be sensitive when referring to a student’s parent or guardian. For example, say, “Take this note home to a parent or guardian” versus “Take this note home to mom and dad.”
Show respect and attention toward students who may be GLBT or appear gender nonconforming. This sends a signal that other students should respect them as well. Be sure that your school policies include protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Find ways to raise awareness of anti-GLBT bias and of contributions of GLBT people.
Find appropriate ways to mention a GLBTrelated person, issue, or event in the context of a literature or social studies lesson or when creating a hypothetical word problem or scenario. GLBT people and issues already exist in schools. For example, when reading the literature produced by an author who was GLBT, examine how the author’s sexual orientation or gender identity influenced what and how he or she wrote.
Help NEA Meet Its $1 Million Pledge for MLK Memorial
In November 2006, the National Education Association participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for a memorial honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that will be built between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials. NEA has pledged to donate or raise $1 million over six years to honor Dr. King and provide a place where future generations can learn and understand the importance of Dr. King’s role in American history. NEA will be recognized at the memorial site for all visitors to know of our contribution and will serve on the Executive Leadership Cabinet guiding this endeavor.
Donations made here by state and local affiliates as well as individual members will help meet NEA’s $1 million pledge. Please donate generously today.
Support for Gay Educators on the Rise From NEA
Findings in a recent Pew Survey show that support for gay educators is on the rise. Only 28 percent of people think a school board should fire educators based on their sexual orientation. The survey marks the first time this percentage has dropped below 30—a strong decrease from 51 percent in 1987.
“I believe that the national conversation that is happening regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender self-expression has made a huge difference,” says Mary Paradise, co-chair of the NEA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus. “When more and more people stand up to support their sons and daughters, their neighbors and friends, their home decorators and hairdressers, their teachers and health care providers, it makes a difference.”
The NEA Asks – Can Schools Teach Tolerance (code word for acceptance of homosexuality and race mixing) Here is one teacher’s answer from the NEA
A resounding yes! on teaching tolerance in school! School is the only common institution where all students can be touched and prepared to survive in our society’s marvelous and sometimes maddeningly diverse mix.
We are less connected, as a society, than we were when travel and technology opportunities were more limited. Witness the recent instances of school violence, situations that cried out for tolerance.
Schools, I believe, can help redefine “family” and “belonging” and reinforce respect. They have to. It’s unrealistic to depend on tolerance being taught at home
Nor are all families models of tolerance. Some young people will reject the intolerant attitudes they might see at home, but what about children who are afraid to think beyond what they are told at home?
What if children never hear alternatives to intolerance at home–especially mainstream students, who can go through their entire lives and never be asked to reconsider their positions of privilege.
Schools can teach all children about tolerance and connectedness–through anti-bias programs and through individual commitment to tolerance, across the board, woven through all subjects.
Students, in turn, can then impact family and outside influences that may not be as tolerant.
The information above is just a small example of the plan that the NEA and associated groups have to turn your children against you and your beliefs. This isn’t relegated to large schools or schools with a non-white majority. Your children are targets of their agenda wherever they may be.
Parents must stay on guard and thoroughly investigate every aspect of their children’s education. This includes what the teachers say in class and outside of class, what is in the textbooks, what music is listened to, what books are read, what friends they have, what movies they watch, what websites they visit and what video games they play. All of these things contribute to the belief system of your children. The present government school system that has been permeated with homosexual/lesbian and integrationist tolerant and agenda driven teachers is an incredibly dangerous place for you to leave your children thirty to forty hours a week.